Our Story
We are a team of Google Workspace veterans and recognised Google Cloud Innovators with decades of experience having been responsible for helping migrate and manage almost 100 million users to the cloud.
Having worked with many international clients, our approach to the development of Patronum is based on our founder’s vision and insight into not only Google itself but also of the existing Google Workspace Marketplace and Ecosystem.
Patronum means Guardian in Latin, and in 2017 there seemed to be a great opportunity for a Google backup and archive tool, as the choice of software in this space was restricted to general product vendors without a special interest in Google Workspace. So we set about building one. The aim was that Patronum was going to be that “Guardian” of Google Workspace. However after only a year into development, a strong product from a competitor emerged. We realized our own product would have a broadly similar feature set and it would be tough to differentiate in the marketplace.
In response we decided to pivot our software development away from Google backup and focus instead on improving user life cycle management in Google Workspace. We took the existing user interface with our team’s knowledge of Google API’s and added key features to address tasks we knew Google administrators were finding difficult. Organizations dependent on Google Workspace needed a software interface to manage user life cycle changes and empower managers of frontline workers. IT executives know it is far more efficient if they delegate repetitive admin access and permission tasks to managers of their own users.
Patronum was successfully launched in November 2019. Today, after refinements and the regular addition of new features, the product is the market leading Google Workspace user life cycle solution. We run Patronum on Google Cloud Platform which gives us confidence to scale and grow the user base rapidly.
Our teams strive for excellence in product education videos, help and daily support to ensure that as soon as Patronum is adopted by an organization their administrators are quickly enabled and productive. We promote a culture of community, collaboration and engagement between our teams, partners and customers. Pricing is decided by a pricing committee consisting of staff, partners and clients, Similarly another user forum reviews feature requests and helps the company prioritise product development.
We are a team of Google Workspace veterans and recognised Google Cloud Innovators with decades of experience having been responsible for helping migrate and manage almost 100 million users to the cloud.
Having worked with many international clients, our approach to the development of Patronum is based on our founder’s vision and insight into not only Google itself but also of the existing Google Workspace Marketplace and Ecosystem.
Patronum means Guardian in Latin, and in 2017 there seemed to be a great opportunity for a Google backup and archive tool, as the choice of software in this space was restricted to general product vendors without a special interest in Google Workspace. So we set about building one. The aim was that Patronum was going to be that “Guardian” of Google Workspace. However after only a year into development, a strong product from a competitor emerged. We realized our own product would have a broadly similar feature set and it would be tough to differentiate in the marketplace.
In response we decided to pivot our software development away from Google backup and focus instead on improving user life cycle management in Google Workspace. We took the existing user interface with our team’s knowledge of Google API’s and added key features to address tasks we knew Google administrators were finding difficult. Organizations dependent on Google Workspace needed a software interface to manage user life cycle changes and empower managers of frontline workers. IT executives know it is far more efficient if they delegate repetitive admin access and permission tasks to managers of their own users.
Patronum was successfully launched in November 2019. Today, after refinements and the regular addition of new features, the product is the market leading Google Workspace user life cycle solution. We run Patronum on Google Cloud Platform which gives us confidence to scale and grow the user base rapidly.
Our teams strive for excellence in product education videos, help and daily support to ensure that as soon as Patronum is adopted by an organization their administrators are quickly enabled and productive. We promote a culture of community, collaboration and engagement between our teams, partners and customers. Pricing is decided by a pricing committee consisting of staff, partners and clients, Similarly another user forum reviews feature requests and helps the company prioritise product development.